
目で感じたことを 脳で感じたことを 皮膚で感じたことを 健気にひたすら書きまくり 自分を先取りするブログ


* EDR January #21 2020 Noise In The Neighborhood

0:06 A car appeared in good timing.
0:09 A truck carried nothing.
0:14 Scaffolding’s noise sounded.
0:24 Scaffolding’s noise sounded.
0:32 A truck carried nothing.
0:39 A silver car passed, but it made a round trip and disappeared.
1:05 A repairperson had come to my neighbor’s place to fix the broken roof.
1:16 A truck which carried nothing passed.
1:22 A man was repairing my neighbor’s roof.
2:26 A truck that carried nothing passed by my place.
2:31 The repair person left there.

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