
目で感じたことを 脳で感じたことを 皮膚で感じたことを 健気にひたすら書きまくり 自分を先取りするブログ


* EDR September #4-5 2021 Noisy Meter Reader

* Even though it was Saturday, the noise made by M-ue.
* A bike stopped.
* A water supply checkup appeared.
* A water supply checkup appeared.
* The couple who walked a dog passed. The woman hadn’t shown up in a long time.
* A police vehicle passed.
* A water supply checkup appeared.
* A water supply checkup appeared.
* A water supply checkup appeared.
* A police vehicle passed.
* An unknown man and a dog appeared.
* The stalker family passed.
* Shibainu Man Y appeared.
water meter reader

The woman with two dogs

Day and night, I have been feeling ill from being irradiated with something.

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