
目で感じたことを 脳で感じたことを 皮膚で感じたことを 健気にひたすら書きまくり 自分を先取りするブログ


* EDR October #27 2019 Noise Of Helicopters or People

0:03 A helicopter’s noise sounded.
0:15 A helicopter’s noise sounded.
0:26 The noise in the neighborhood sounded.
0:38 The noise in the neighborhood sounded.
0:50 The noise in the neighborhood sounded.
1:02 A helicopter flew nearby.
1:12 Noise in the neighborhood sounded.
1:14 An unknown man passed.
1:20 A helicopter’s noise sounded.
1:30 A black small car passed by my house.
1:36 The car passed by my house.
1:41 The car passed by my house.
1:48 Mrs.N talked as if she didn’t know the street.

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