ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #11 2022 Vehicle Stalking

I felt uncomfortable in the car behind me so I let him go ahead.

Then the car stopped a little ahead of me.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2021_1008 ガス検針員による指差し行為

* 見たことのないガス検針員による指差し行為。


ニュース 映像写真

* 2022_1004_1008 本日のストーカーたち

Oct. 4
0030 伊東警察の車両が通過。
0941 白のフィットが家の前で停車。
* 伊豆500つ6040
1047 見知らぬ男が自転車で通過。カメラを見る。
1441 伊東警察の車両が通過。
Oct. 6
1107 伊東警察の車両が通過。
1107-1108 伊東警察の車両が通過。
Oct. 7
0129 伊東警察の車両が通過。
0129-0547 伊東警察の車両が通過。
0129-0547-0704 伊東警察の車両が通過。
* 店で何も買わず、私の買い物終了と同時に店をでた女の車。
Oct. 8
* 車が接近しているにも関わらず、カメラのことを言及しに来た女。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #8 2021 Finger pointing by gas meter reader

* Finger pointing by gas meter readers that I have never seen before.

I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #4_#8 2022 Today’s Stalkers

Oct. 4
0030 Ito police vehicle passed.
0941 A white Fit stopped at my house.
The car showed up on March 16, 2020, December 25, 2021, January 21, 2021, and April 26, 2021.
1047 An unfamiliar man passed by on a bicycle and watched the camera.
1133 When I went outside, a police car turned left.
1441 Ito police vehicle passed.
Oct. 6
1107 Ito police vehicle passed.
1107-1108 Ito police vehicle passed.
Oct. 7
0129 Ito police vehicle passed.
0129-0547 Ito police vehicle passed.
0129-0547-0704 Ito police vehicle passed.
* The woman’s car left the store at the same time I finished my shopping, without buying anything at the store.
Oct 8
* The woman came to mention the camera even though a car was approaching.
I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #1_#3 2022 Today’s Stalkers

Oct. 1st
0057 Ito police vehicle passed.
0837 Two of a family of three strangers pass by.
1509 A strange man and woman pass by.
Oct. 2nd
1008 A woman with bright hair with a miniature schnauzer passes by.
1032 A stranger passes by, pulling a carry-on bag.
1310 A man with thinning hair passes by on a bicycle.
1310-1710 A man with thin hair passes on foot.
1741 Ito police vehicle passed.
Oct. 3rd
0133 Ito police vehicle passed.
0736 A sivler car passed.
0736-0738 A sivler car passed.
0736-0738-0744 A sivler car passed.
0736-0738-0744-747 A sivler car passed.
1143 Ito police vehicle passed.
* A car stopped unnaturally in front of us and ambushed me.
* A black car coming from ahead suddenly stopped.
* Ahead of me, a woman walked to my destination on foot.
I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2022_1001_1003 本日のストーカーたち

Oct. 1st
0057 伊東警察の車両が通過。
0837 見知らぬ3人家族のうちの二人が通過。
1509 見知らぬ男女が通過。
Oct. 2nd
1008 ミニチュアシュナウザーを連れた赫い髪の女が通過。
1032 見知らぬ男がキャリーバッグを引きながら通過。
1310 薄い髪の毛の男が自転車で通過。
1310-1710 薄い髪の毛の男が徒歩で通過。
1741 伊東警察の車両が通過。
Oct. 3rd
0133 伊東警察の車両が通過。
0736 銀色の車が通過。580か8240銀の軽自動車
0736-0738 銀色の車が通過。
0736-0738-0744 銀色の車が通過。
0736-0738-0744-747 銀色の車が通過。
1143 伊東警察の車両が通過。
* 前方で不自然に止まって待ち伏せしていた車。
* 前方から来た黒い車は突然停まった。
* 前方では女が歩いて私の目的地まで歩いてきた。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR September #29_30 2022 Today’s Stalkers

* Today’s stalker in the store.
* A man left the store after I did.
* The man walked in the rain to another nearby store and got into a waiting car.
Sep. 30
1022 A woman walking pushing a bicycle passes.
1022-1109 A woman walking pushing a bicycle passes.
1218 A man who runs only in front of my house.
1343 Ito police vehicle passed.
1343-1538 Ito police vehicle passed.
I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.
