ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #18 2022 Stalking by Ni***no

Oct. 17 11:12 The helicopter shows up right after I leave the building. This happens often.
1333 Ito police vehicle passes.
1333-1335 Ito police vehicle passes.
1600 Ni**no stops in front of my house to pet his dog.
* How much money does he get to accomplish this stalking?
1601 The thin-haired man waves his arms as he passes.

I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #16_17 2022 Stalking by Ni***no

1529 Ni***no stops in front of my house to pet his dog.
Oct. 17
1545 Ni**no stops in front of my house to pet his dog.
1634 Ito police vehicle passes.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2022_1016_1017 Ni***noの家の前でのつきまとい

1529 Ni***noが家の前で立ち止まって犬を撫でる。
Oct. 17
1545 Ni***noが家の前で立ち止まって犬を撫でる。
1634 伊東警察の車両が通過。

ニュース 映像写真

* 2022_1015 家の前で止まる人と車

0708 Ni***noが家の前で立ち止まって犬を撫でる。
1103 黒のジムニーが家の前で後退する。
* 伊豆580す5776
1136 伊東警察の車両が通過。
0708-1538 Ni***noが再び家の前で立ち止まって犬を撫でる。
* 彼はいつも1日に1度しか現れないが2回来ることで私に対してつきまとっていることを暗示している。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #15 2022 Cars and People Stops At My House

0708 Ni***no stops in front of my house to pet his dog.
1103 A black Jimny backs out in front of a house.
1136 Ito police vehicle passes.
0708-1538 Ni***no stops in front of my house to pet his dog again.
He usually only shows up once a day, but by coming twice he implies that he is stalking me.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2022_1011 家の前で止まる白のトラック

0756-0758 同じ車が2回通過。
1630 家の前で止まる白のトラック。
* この女は有人レジにいたのに私がセルフレジを使ったら隣に来た。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR October #11 2022 White Truck Stops At My House

0756-0758 The same car appeared twice.
1630 A white truck stopped at my house.
* This woman was at a manned register and came up next to me when I used the self-checkout.
I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2022_1011 車によるストーカー行為


