0919 コンビニに白のトラック一台とワイシャツを着た男が一人いた。
* 店内には女が一人と、黒縁メガネの男が立ち読みしていたが、私が来たら動き出した。
* 黒縁メガネの男は100円のお茶一本を買って出ていった。
* シャツの男は私の様子を見るために近くを通った。
0919-0932 ようやく女が出てきたがまた店内に入る。
0919-0932-0933 再び女が出てきた。
* 女は14分滞在した。
0935 シャツの男も動き出した。
* 集団ストーカー犯罪は「共謀罪」(正式名称は「テロ等準備罪」)で検挙されるべきだが、捜査機関が捜査する気配はない。
カテゴリー: 映像写真
0919 There was a white truck and a man in a shirt at the convenience store.
* A woman and a man with black-rimmed glasses were standing in the store, but when I came, they started to move.
* The man with black-rimmed glasses bought a 100 yen cup of tea and left.
* The man in a shirt approached me to see what I was doing.
0919-0932 Finally, a woman came out but, she went into the store again.
0919-0932-0933 She came out again.
* She stayed in the store for 14 minutes at least.
0935 The man in a shirt moved, too.
* The crime of mass stalking should be arrested for “conspiracy” (official name is “crime of preparation for terrorism, etc.”), but there is no sign of an authority investigating.
Aug. 25th 0916
There was a woman at the intersection, but when I approached, she left.
Sep. 30th 1950
The woman turned the light at the camera.
Sep. 30th 1503
The woman who entered the store 5 minutes before me was hiding behind the coffee maker after shopping.
* She came to check my expenses.
It is said that gang stalkers are developed
by a major telecommunications company and also train people.
It is spreading not only in Japan but also around the world,
and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
also sees it as a problem.
Sep.27th 1619
A woman in yellow is pretending to be shopping.
* She looked into my expenses and left the store without shopping.
1115 The couple with beagle dogs passed and talked.
1134 When I thought they were going to do something, a woman pointed to something.
2059 The man used his suitcase to make a noise and turned on the light of his smartphone.
0642 A woman let her dog enter my property.
0657-0702 A man made a round trip within five minutes.
1100 The couple with beagle dogs passed by.
1235 A woman went back and forth within a minute and came back three minutes later.
Sep.26th 1840
The woman who was ambushing at the store just before closing made eye contact with me and stood at the cash register in the back so that she could see my expenses.
* People who I think suspicious will definitely come to check my expenses.
Sep. 13th 1603
A car went back and forth.
Sep. 22nd 1421
The woman pointed the camera, but there was no subject.