ニュース 映像写真

* EDR April #29 2023 Saturday Noise at Jogasaki Villa Area

0118-0121 An Ito Police patrol car went back and forth.
1006-1046 The Jogasaki vacation home site prohibits sound work on weekends and holidays, but neighbor O**shi does not care.
* O**shi is working again after the landscaper was just making noise all day the other day.
* The fact that the volume is constant indicates that it is staying to make noise.

1101-1158 The noise continued till noon.
1538 An Ito Police patrol car passed.
1711 Two strangers appear, but face down to the camera.
2007 They showed up again with one more companion.

I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night.
U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world.
Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2023_0427 休日の騒音


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* 2023_0425 城ヶ崎別荘地の騒音【音量注意】

0830 隣人O**shi宅に造園業者が入って一日中騒音を立てた。
* 造園業者は仲間内で口論をしていた。
* 航空機の騒音

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR April #25 2023 Noise at Jogasaki Villa Area [LOUD]

0830 A landscaper came into my neighbor O**shi’s house and made noise all day long.
* Landscapers were arguing among themselves.
* Aircraft noise

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* 2023_0419_0420 店内でつきまとってきた男女

0304-0309-0312 伊東警察のパトカーが3回通過した。
1520-1521-1529 銀色の車が3回通過した。
* 本日待ち伏せしていた男女。
* 彼らは私が会計をすると思ってレジ付近で待機していた。
* 所沢581い9794 緑のハスラー
* 私が店を出た17分後に彼らは店を出てきたが、車をなかなか発進しようとはしなかった。
* 彼らは車の中を整理整頓していた。よくやる手口だ。


ニュース 映像写真

* EDR April #19_20 2023 Man and woman who followed me around in the store

0304-0309-0312 An Ito Police patrol car passed by three times. 
1520-1521-1529 A silver car passed by three times.
* The man and woman who were ambushed today.
* They waited near the cash register expecting me to pay the bill.
* They came out of the store 17 minutes after I left and did not quite start the car.
* They kept the car tidy. It’s a trick they often do.

I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night.
U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world.
Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2023_0418 自宅前の騒音

0800 斜め向かいの家に造園業者が集まった。
0830 造園作業が始まった。
* 彼らがブロワーを使うと私が洗濯物が干せない。
1300 造園業者は撤退した。

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* EDR April #18 2023 Noise In Front Of My House

0800 Landscapers gathered at the house diagonally across the street.
0830 Landscaping work has begun.
* When they use the blower I can’t dry my laundry.
1300 The landscaper withdrew.
