ニュース 映像写真

* EDR December #4 2021 An unfamiliar woman appeared with a dog

* The gardener I arrived at the house across the street.
* The gardener I left there.
* A black car passed.
* A black car passed for the second time.
* Ito police vehicle passed.
* Ito police vehicle passed.
* A strange man and woman passed.
* Ito police vehicle passed.
* Ito police vehicle passed.
* When I got to the station, an unfamiliar woman and a dog appeared and left there.
* The man and woman who came to the ticket machine and left without buying a ticket.
* There were three incidents of stalking by station employees that day. The three incidents were committed by male staff members N and H, and by E, a man with glasses.

I suffer from physical ailments
caused by being irradiated with something day and night.
U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining
of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks
in several countries around the world.
Japan government should resolve this situation
as soon as possible.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2021203_2 うるさい別荘地

* 家の西隣ではヤスダ園が作業をしていた。
* 向かいの家も庭師のIが作業を始めた。
* マルヰエナジーの車両が通過。
* この日は実に家の周り3方向から騒音がしたことになる。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR December #3_2 2021

There is noise throughout the film, so please be careful with the volume.
* Yasudaen was working on the west side of the house.
* I, the gardener, also started working on the house across the street.
* Marui Energy’s vehicle passed.
* On this day, the noise was coming from three different directions around the house.
I suffer from physical ailments
caused by being irradiated with something day and night.
U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining
of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks
in several countries around the world.
Japan government should resolve this situation
as soon as possible.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2021203 うるさい別荘地

* 見知らぬ男女が柴犬と通過。
* 近隣で作庭稲葉園による騒音が始まる
* 現在も作業は進行中。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR December #3 2021 Noisy Villa Area

* Unknown couple passed with a Shibainu dog.
* The noise made by Sakutei Inabaen started in the neighborhood.
* The work is still ongoing.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2021202 住人以外の車が多く通過

* 伊東警察の車両が通過。
* 八幡塗装の大型車両が通過。
* 鼻マスクの男が通過する。
* 3166の白のトラックが通過。
* 1586の白のトラックが通過。
* 418の白のプリウスが通過。
* 向かいの家に造園業者のIが現る。
* 銀色のキューブが通過。
* 銀色のキューブが通過。
* 銀色のキューブが通過。
* 6452の銀の車が通過。
* 3810の銀の車が通過。
* マルヰエナジーの車両が通過。
* 八幡塗装の車が通過。
* 八幡塗装の車が通過。
* 庭師のIが撤退。
* 見知らぬ男女が通過。
* 見知らぬ男女が通過。
* 伊東警察の車両が通過。
* 見知らぬ車が行き止まりの道から現れる。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR December #2 2021 Many non-resident cars passed by

* Ito police vehicle passed.
* Yawata Toso’s large vehicle passed.
* The nose mask man passed.
* A white 3166 truck passed.
* A white 1586 car passed.
* A white 418 preus passed.
* The gardener I appeared at the house across the street.
* A silver Cube passed.
* A silver Cube passed.
* A silver Cube passed.
* A silver 6452 car passed.
* A silver 3810 car passed.
* Marui Energy’s vehecle passed.
* Yawata Toso’s car passed.
* Yawata Toso’s car passed.
* The gardener i left there.
* An unknown couple passed.
* An unknown couple passed.
* Ito police vehicle passed.
* A strange car emerges from a dead-end street.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2021201 住人以外の車が多く通過

* 3166の白トラックが通過。
* 7801の銀の車が通過。
* 八幡塗装の大型車両が通過。
* 向かいの家に造園業者のIが現る。
* 水色のアルトが通過。
* 白の車が通過。
* 八幡塗装の車が通過。
* マルヰエナジーの車両が通過。
* 造園業者のIが撤退。
* 伊東警察の車両が通過。
* 伊東警察の車両が再通過。
