ニュース 映像写真

* EDR July #17 2022 Porsches ambushed me

0653 In the pouring rain, an unknown man passed by with his stomach hanging out.
0847-0852 A strange man went back and forth.
0953 A white Porsche passed by the hosue.
* It ambushed me.
* There was a woman who turned away and watched my movements.
0956 Next time, a black Porsche ambushed me.
* Incidentally, a Tabata Construction truck ambushed us the day before.
* Black Porsche license plate ね612, Shinagawa 350.
1229 Police vehicle passed.
1433 A noisy car passed.
1434 A silver car stopped at the house.
1229-1548 Police vehicle passed.
I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
2022_0717 ポルシェが待ち伏せ

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