ニュース 映像写真

* EDR March #15 2022 Villa area with many non-resident vehicles passing through

0905 Interior contractor arrived.
0926 He had been removed.
1124 Ito Gas vehicle appeared.
1244 Management company’s Fit showed up.
0905-1246 Interior contractor arrived.
0905-1246-1252 Interior contractor arrived.
1323 They had been removed.
1244-1331 Management company’s Fit showed up.
1402 A Self-Defense Force plane flew nearby.
1447 The man from the management company withdrew.
1452 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed by.
0905-1246-1252-1736 Interior contractor arrived.
1738 He had been removed.
2316 Police vehicle passed.
* As I arrived at the station, two unfamiliar women appeared.
* They approached again, but did not show their faces.
2022_0315 住人以外の車両が多く通過する別荘地
I suffer from physical ailments
caused by being irradiated with something day and night.
U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining
of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks
in several countries around the world.
Japan government should resolve this situation
as soon as possible.

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