ニュース 映像写真

* EDR March #8 2022 Noisy Villa Area

*  The recording was made between 8:45 and 10:53 on the day of the event and edited and superimposed on the video.
* Takumi House officials arrived but the reason for their visit is unclear. Vehicle traffic is a nuisance because of the noise it generates.
0931 A C-Cube vehicle began working but the reason for the visit is unknown.
0951 Takumi House officials arrived but the reason for their visit is unclear. Vehicle traffic is a nuisance because of the noise it generates.
1041 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed by.
1041-1106 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed by.
1106 Police vehicle passed.
1041-1106-1132 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed by.
1106-1332 Police vehicle passed.
1041-1106-1132-1421 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed by.
1041-1106-1132-1421-1423 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed by.
* Please listen to recorded sound only until 12:37.
EDR March #8 2022 Noisy Villa Area

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