ニュース 映像写真

* EDR March #27-31 2021 People Obsessed With The Camera

0:05 Aircraft flew nearby.
0:10 Strangers, men and women, obsess over the presence of cameras and sensor lights.
0:38 Two women and two dogs passed.
0:51 A man I didn’t know passed by pushing a pram.
1:01 An unfamiliar man passed by.
1:09 She looked at the camera and sensor lights and said, “How badly does he want people in his house?
2:46 Even though it was evening, the man made noise as I approached.
3:07 A helicopter flew nearby.
3:55 I walked past the landscaper (Yamasaki Zoen) who made the noise on March 27.
4:15 N-no passed by around smiling.
4:31 An unfamiliar man passed by.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.
20210327-0331 カメラに固執する人びと

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