ニュース 映像写真

* EDR February #3 2023 Aircraft Noise

* Robberies are frequent in the country. The perpetrators are carefully casing the area. They ransack houses while walking their dogs or running marathons, so beware of suspicious people.

* A Ito Police vehicle passed by.
* The black Jimny Sierra passed in front of our house.
* Ni***no stopped in front of my house and implied a stalking.
1440 A plane flew nearby.
* A Ito Police vehicle passed by.
I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2023_0202 航空機の騒音

* 国内では強盗事件が頻発している。犯人は入念な下見をしている。犬の散歩やマラソンをしながら家を物色しているので不審者には注意が必要だ。
* Ni***noが家の前で止まりつきまといを暗示する
* マラソン男が庭を覗いた。
1743 複数の飛行機が近くを飛んだ。
1753 飛行機が近くを飛んだ。


ニュース 映像写真

* EDR February #2 2023 Aircraft Noise

* Robberies are frequent in the country. The perpetrators are carefully casing the area. They ransack houses while walking their dogs or running marathons, so beware of suspicious people.
* Ni***no stopped in front ofmy house and implied a stalking.
* Marathon Man looked into my garden.
1743 Several planes flew nearby.
1753 A plane flew nearby.

I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2023_0131 航空機の騒音

Jan. 30th 1023 ヘリが近くを飛ぶ。
Jan. 31st 1610 航空機の音がした。
1610-1620 航空機の音がした。
1217 Ni***noが家の前で止まるつきまとい行為をした。
1404 知らない女が家の前で立ち止まって何かを指した。
1624 警察車両が通過。
* 店内で私の購入額を見に来た女。

ニュース 映像写真

* EDR January #31 2023 Aircraft Noise

Jan. 30th 1023 A helicopter flew nearby.
Jan. 31st 1610 Aircraft noise sounded.
1610-1620 Aircraft noise sounded.
1217 Ni***no stopped at my house and pet his dog.
1404 A woman I didn’t know stopped in front of my house and pointed at something.
1624 Ito police vehicle passed by.
* A woman came to see the amount of my purchase in the store.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2023_0127_0130 待ち伏せする車

Jan. 27th 見知らぬ男が通過。
1546 警察車両が通過。
1546-1628 警察車両が通過。
Jan. 28th 知らないバイクがながら運転。
1451 Ni***noが家の前で止まる。
1529 警察車両が通過。
1529-1637 警察車両が通過。
Jan. 29th 0440 警察車両が通過。
Jan.30th 1131 知らないバイクが通過。


ニュース 映像写真

* EDR January #27_30 2023 Car Ambushing Me

Jan. 27th An unfamiliar man passed by.
1546 Police vehicle passed.
1546-1628 Police vehicle passed.
Jan. 28th A driver texted and drove.
1451 Ni***no stopped at my house and pet his dog.
1529 Police vehicle passed.
1529-1637 Police vehicle passed.
Jan. 29th 0440 Police vehicle passed.
Jan.30th 1131 A bike appeared.

I suffer from physical ailments caused by being irradiated with something day and night. U.S. embassy staff and CIA employees have been complaining of what they believe to be electromagnetic wave attacks in several countries around the world. Japan should resolve this situation as soon as possible.
#Gang stalking is real.

ニュース 映像写真

* 2023_0126 騒音の日


Jan. 26th 0500 警察車両が通過。
* 本日の騒音源その1 作庭稲葉園
* 本日の騒音源その2 富永林業
* 本日の騒音源その3 東配工
* クレーンを私有地内に入れているがなんの工事が不明。
0959-1217 富永林業の車両が通過。
1304-1317-1321 -1336-1345-1353-1422-1607-1608 東配工の車両が通過。
1735 航空機が近くを飛ぶ。
