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* EDR June #7 2020 Planned Noise Occurred

0:03 An unknown car that was parked in the parking lot for employees.
0:10 The young that made a noise at midnight passed.
0:21 They passed again.
0:35 The noise in the neighborhood had started.
2:31 A taxi passed.
2:36 The “chartered” taxi passed again within a minute.
3:27 The man who made a noise that day had worked on January 2nd of 2019.
3:52 The planned noise occurred in the neighborhood almost everyday.
EDR June #7 2020 Planned Noise Occurred

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* 20200606 近隣の騒音がずっと続いてる

0:02 6月5日の騒音源その1。
0:08 6月5日の騒音源その2。
0:17 近隣の騒音。
3:44 本日の騒音源その1。
3:51 指差し男現れる。
4:01 本日の騒音源その2。一人で作業をしている。

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* EDR June #6 2020 Noise In The Neighborhood Have Been Continuing

0:02 The noise resource on June 5th #1.
0:08 The noise resource on June 5th #2.
0:17 The noise in the neighborhood had continued.
3:44 Today’s noise resource #1.
3:51 A man who pointed to something appeared ahead.
4:01 Today’s noise resource #2.A man was working alone.

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* 20200605 警察によるストリートシアター

0:10 この警察官が家の前を往復する。
0:55 ゆっくり走るTANKが通過。
1:09 見知らぬ男二人が通過。

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* EDR June #5 2020 Street Theater by Police

0:10 That police officer made two round trips.
0:55 A TANK that moved slowly passed.
1:09 Two unknown men passed.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.

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* 20200604 周囲の騒音

0:02 本日の騒音源。
0:05 私が駐車場でおりたのを確認して出てきたカップル。
0:15 近隣の騒音。
0:26 田畑建設のトラックが通過。
0:39 航空機の音。
1:03 近隣の騒音。

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* EDR June #4 2020 Noise Around My House

0:02 Today’s noise resource.
0:05 A couple watched my getting off my bike in the parking lot and got off their car.
0:15 The noise in the neighborhood had continued.
0:26 Tabata Kensetsu’s truck passed.
0:39 Aircraft’s noise sounded.
1:03 The noise in the neighborhood had continued.

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* 20200603 近所の騒音

0:02 本日の騒音源その1。
0:09 本日の騒音源その2。
0:50 近隣の騒音続く。
1:57 見慣れないポルシェが通過。
