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* EDR September #15 Liquor Shop’s Car appeared Again

0:01 As I came closer, a car started moving.
0:13  It was the third time that the liquer shop’s small car appeared in front of me. Besides, it stopped as I came closer to it.
EDR September #15 Liquor Shop's Car appeared Again

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* 20170914 ヘリコプターの音、足場が組まれる

0:58 ヘリコプターの音。
1:21 足場が組まれる。
4:50 青い車が進路妨害。

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* 20170912 車が同じタイミングで現れる

0:02 私と同時に交差点に出てくる白トラック。
0:35 私と同時に出てくる車。
1:33 私と同じタイミングで交差点に出てくる車。

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* EDR September #12 2017 Cars Appeared At The Same Timing

0:02 A white truck appeared at the same time as I came to an intersection.
0:35 A car appeared at the same time as I was heading for.
1:33 A car appeared at the same time as I came to an intersection.

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* 20170911 航空機が次々飛ぶ

1:44 飛行機が飛ぶ。
2:15 飛行機が飛ぶ。
3:49 飛行機が飛ぶ。

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* EDR September #11 2017 Aircraft Flew Over My House

Aircraft’s flying sound continued on and off.
1:44 Airplane flew.
2:15 Airplane flew.
3:49 Airplane flew.

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* 20170910 同時に現れる車

0:09 前を遮る白い車。
0:50 前に出てくる車。

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* EDR September #10 Cars appeared at the same time as I did

0:09 A white car obstruct me.
0:59 A car appeared at the same time as I came closer.
