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* 20191128 ある会社のトラックが往復

0:08 田畑建設のトラックが通過。
0:20 そのトラックが1分で再通過。
EDR November #28 2019 A Company's Truck Made A Round Trip

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* EDR November #28 2019 A Company’s Truck Made A Round Trip

0:08 Tabata Kensetsu construction compamy’s truck passed.
0:20 The truck passed again in a minute.

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* 20191127 管理会社による復讐

0:07 昨日と同様、管理会社のトラックが来た。何のためか。
0:27 結局、家の前で止まって去っただけであった。
0:46 管理会社の車が通過し、3分後にも再通過。

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* EDR November #27 2019 Revenge By Management Company

It must have revenged.
0:07 The management company’s trucks came again as well as yesterday. What did they come here for?
0:27 After all, they just stopped at my place and left there.
0:46 The management company’s car passed and it did it again after three minutes.

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* 20191126 うるさい音が隣と空から

0:05 ヘリコプターの音。
0:24 ヘリコプターの音。
0:32 ヘリコプターの音。
0:53 家の前で清掃の騒音が始まる。
1:41 黒縁メガネの女と犬が登場。

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* EDR November #26 2019 Noisy Sound From Neighborhood And Sky

0:05 Helicopter’s noise sounded.
0:24 Helicopter’s noise sounded.
0:32 Helicopter’s noise sounded.
0:53 The noise of cleaning the road started in front of my house.
1:41 A woman wearing black rimmed glasses and a dog appeared.

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* 20191125 近所の騒音

0:03 私が近づくと草刈り機の音。二代目柴犬男によるものである。
0:19 近づくと騒音。
0:40 隣の騒音が始まる。
1:44 ゴミ回収車が夕方に現れる。

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* EDR November #25 2019 Noise In The Neighborhood

0:03 As I was closer to a place, mowing noise occurred. It was made by the 2nd generation Shibainu Man.
0:19 As I passed. Noise occurred.
0:40 The noise of my neighborhood started.
1:44 A gabage truck emerged in the evening.
