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* EDR August #28 2020 The noise around my house

0:04 Yamato Transportation’s vehicle passed.
0:11 Today’s noise resource. The noise made by this company had occurred on 23rd of August in 2018.
0:19 When I got to my house,
0:23 My neighbor O’s noise had started.
1:22 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed.
EDR August #28 2020 The noise around my house

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* 20200826 イベントデータレコーダー


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* 20200825 4機の飛行機が近くを飛ぶ

0:02 前方にヘリコプタが現れる。
0:25 本日の騒音源。
0:36 ヤマト運輸のトラックが通過。
0:42 航空機の音。
0:47 飛行機が4機飛ぶ。
1:53 改造車が通過する。

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* EDR August #25 2020 Four Airplanes Flew Nearby

0:02 A helicopter appeared ahead.
0:25 Today’s noise resource.
0:36 Yamato Transportation’s vehicle passed.
0:42 Aircraft’s noise sounded.
0:47 Four planes flew nearby.
1:53 An illegal modified car passed.

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* 20200824 隣の騒音が聞こえる

0:03 新しい工事が始まった。
0:12 マスコーのトラックが通過。
0:19 隣のO家の騒音が始まる。
0:55 ヤマト運輸のトラックが通過。
3:47 ヘリの騒音。

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* EDR August #24 2020 My neighbor’s Noise Sounded

0:03 New construction site had started.
0:12 Masuko’s truck passed.
0:19 My neighbor O’s noise had started.
0:55 Yamato Transportation’s vehicle passed.
3:47 A helicopter’s noise sounded.
My neighbor O was moving the warehouse, which made a lot of noise. He made noise deliberately around the border between my place and his place.

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* 20200822 ヘリが家の近くを飛ぶ

0:05 謎のオレンジ色のトラックが猛スピードで通過。
0:13 上空にヘリが飛ぶ。その1分後にはヘリの音はするが機影を確認できず。
0:51 近隣の騒音。
0:59 女性がカメラを意識して左ばかり見ている。

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* EDR August #22 2020 A helicopter flew near my house

0:05 The mysterious orange truck speeded up and passed.
0:13 A helicopter flew near my house. One minute later, I could hear the its noise but no figures confirmed.
0:51 The noise in the neighborhood.
0:59 A woman was conscious about the cameras and watched the left side.
