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* EDR January #18 2021 People Who Stalk Me

0:03 Au unknown couple passed.
0:17 The neighbor O’s noise started.
3:07 An unknown truck passed.
3:15 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed.
3:22 Aircraft’s noise sounded.
3:54 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed.
4:02 To find out how much I had purchased, the man only made a small purchase.
4:09 After shopping, a woman and a man watched me in the store.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.

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* 20210117 ストリートシアター

0:20 見知らぬ男女が通過する。
0:27 見知らぬ男女がカメラを見ることでこちらを牽制している。
0:36 見慣れぬトラックが通過する。

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* EDR January #17 2021 Street Theater

A stranger pointed a camera at me on the train. So I recorded the parent and child who pointed the camera at me. They were trying to take pictures of me in the train. It is a very unnatural behavior.
0:20 An unknown couple passed.
0:27 The stranger, a man and a woman, kept me in check by looking at the camera.
0:36 An unknown truck passed.
Despite the fact that her daughter was in the back, she would not participate in this Street Theater. It is assumed that the daughter was afraid of being recorded. Some people don’t mind being filmed, while others fear it with intensity.
The number of vehicles was 21 and aircraft zero today.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.

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不審なアリオン 2021_0116

0:03 男が2人は立っているだけで何をしているのかわからない。
0:20 不審な銀色のアリオンが通過。
0:36 その車が私とすれ違う。
0:43 徘徊したのは銀色のアリオンで伊豆4858
0:52 逃走するアリオン。
1:34 不審なアリオンはこのように通過した。家の前をわざわざ通過したのだ。

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* EDR January #16 2021 Dubious Allion

0:03 Two men stood still and I didn’t know what they were doing.
0:20 A dubious silver Allion passed.
0:36 The car and I passed each other.
0:43 It was a silver Allion that wandered about.
0:52 The Allion ran away.
1:34 The suspicious Arion passed as follows. It passed in front of my house on purpose.

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不審なアリオン現わる 2021_0115

0:05 管理会社による清掃が自宅前で始まる。
0:40 マルイエナジーの車両が通過。
0:51 銀色のアリオンが通過。
1:07 アリオンが再び通過。助手席の男がカメラを見ていた。
2:01 Nがカメラの前でわざわざ犬を抱きかかえた。その後ろでアリオンが走っている。
2:18 アリオンが3回目の通過。
2:27 知らないバイク2台が通過。
2:38 アリオンが5回目の通過。
2:40 マルイエナジーの車両が通過。
2:45 ヤマト運輸のトラックが通過。
2:52 見知らぬ男が通過する。
2:58 マルイエナジーの車両が通過。

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* EDR January #15 2021 Dubious Allion Appeared

0:05 The cleaning by the management company starts in front of my house.
0:40 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed.
0:51 A Silver Allion passed.
1:07 It passed again. The man in the passenger seat was looking at the camera.
2:01 N took the trouble to hold the dog in front of the camera.Behind the man the allion moved.
2:18 The Allion passed by my house for the 3rd time.
2:27 Two unknown bikes passed.
2:38 The Allion passed by my house for the fourth time.
2:40 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed. 
2:45 Yamato Transportation’s vehicle passed.
2:52 An unknown man passed.
2:58 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed.

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* 20210114 怪しい車が通過する

0:03 航空機の音。
0:17 見慣れぬ車が通過。
0:27 見慣れぬ車が通過。
0:40 航空機の音がする。
1:00 店舗内でつきまとってきた男。多摩503ゆ8293
1:16 なかなか終わらないこの工事現場は138日が経過した。
1:23 近隣のM宅にまた青野設備の車が止まっている。新たな騒音源が発生するかもしれない。
