ニュース 映像写真

* 20210406 職場近くの騒音

EDR April #6 2021 Noise Near Workplace


* EDR April #6 Noise Near Workplace

This is a noise video. You can use it as an alibi.
The construction work started near my office around 11:55 p.m. when I finished my work, and ended about 35 minutes later, at 0:29 a.m. I guess they were waiting for me to finish my work. I guess they were waiting for me to finish my work.
The construction was done by Mimori Sogyo Co. The Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism is responsible for the licensing of this type of work.
The Minister has been a member of the New Komeito Party for a long time.

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* 20210404-0405 住人以外の車両

April 4th
0:06 向かいの家に庭師のIが現れた。
0:32 ちなみにこの庭師は前日の9時28分から9時37分の間に滞在し、11時5分から11時23分の間にも滞在していた。
1:13 青い車がある家からの騒音がした。ここの住人は滞在すると必ず騒音を出す。
April 5th
2:02 警察のバイクが通過。
2:05 知らない銀のトラックが通過。
2:12 ヤマト運輸の車両が現れた。
3:11 マルイエナジーの車両が通過。
3:13 黒縁メガネの女が犬と通過。
3:17 パトカーが通過。

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* EDR April #4-5 2021 Non-resident vehicles

April 4th
0:06 The gardener I appeared and stayed in three minutes.
0:32 Incidentally, this gardener had stayed between 9:28 and 9:37 the day before, and also between 11:05 and 11:23.
1:13 The noise came from a house with a blue car. The people who live here always make noise when they stay.
April 5th
2:02 A police bike passed by.
2:05 An unfamiliar silver truck passed by.
2:12 Yamato Transportation’s vehicle appeared.
3:11 Marui Energy’s vehicle passed.
3:13 The woman wearing a black rimmed glassed passed by my house.
3:17 The police car passed.

ニュース 映像写真

* 20210402-0403 袋詰が遅い男

0:05 伊豆5555のナンバープレートの白いBMWがゆっくりと通過していった。
0:26 知らない人たちが家の前を声を出して通過した。
0:39 家の前で往復する不審車両。
1:20 知らない男女が私から顔をそらした。
1:39 伊豆333と17の黒のSUV、伊豆583け5010黒ジムニーが停車していた。
1:46 そのジムニーはすでに家の前を通っていた。
1:50 本日の工事現場はここでした。
2:07 男が時間をかけて袋詰をし、私の会計金額を見て立ち去った。
2:50 パトカーが通過。


ニュース 映像写真

* EDR April #2-3 2021 A Man Who Is Slow At Bagging

0:05 A white BMW with the license plate of Izu 5555 slowly passed by.
0:26 Shouting, strangers passed by the house.
0:39 A dubious vehicle made a round trip in front of my house.
1:20 A man and a woman I didn’t know turned their heads away from me.
1:39 Unfamiliar Izu 333 と17 black SUV and Izu 583 け5010 black Jimny were parked.
1:46 The Jimny had already passed by my house.
1:50 Today’s construction site was here.
2:07 A man took his time bagging, looked at my bill and walked away.
2:50 A police car passed.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.

Group stalking (Group Bullying)is the harassment of a large number of people by following, monitoring, and stalking them, and it is said that a certain religious group is the main force behind this.
It has been publicized in books written by former members of the cult, as well as in the campaign speeches of political party representatives who claim to have heard about it from cult members.
On the Internet, we can see posts by the perpetrators saying that the victims are suffering from a certain mental illness, but it is unnatural for them to take the trouble to deny the existence of group stalking, saying that it is a delusion.
The victims are tormented by large-scale harassment, including small plays called “street theater” by residents and workers, scaffolding and helicopters to generate noise, and electromagnetic attacks.

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* 20210401 不審車両が逃走する

0:26 スーパー店内で私をつけてきた女は、10時に店を出ると途中でバス停の前で立ち止まった。これは私の尾行を確認するため。
0:41 私が近づくと男が音を出してきた。「いいだ造園」による騒音である。
1:39 先日家の前を通過して防犯カメラについて言及していた女の子が現れた。
1:53 怪しい車を発見したので様子を見ることにした。運転手は女。
3:04 逃走したので追跡することにした。
3:32 車は止まってしまった。途中で停車するのは不審車両の特徴。
4:13 カメラの前で行われる指差し行為。
4:21 S夫妻によるカメラの前での指差し行為。
4:35 店内で私の会計時に近寄る不審な女と関係車両2台。
5:07 航空機の飛来。


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* EDR April #1 2021 A Suspicious Vehicle Fleeing The Scene

0:26 The woman who had followed me inside the supermarket stopped in front of the bus stop on the way out of the store at 10:00. This was to confirm that I was being followed.
She then proceeded to the northwest and pretended to look at the plants and trees along the roadside to confirm her tail. Finally, at 10:18, he went into another supermarket.
0:41 As I approached, a man made a noise. It was the noise made by “Iida Landscaping”.
1:39 The girl who passed by my house the other day and mentioned the security cameras showed up.
1:53 I spotted a suspicious car and decided to take a look. The driver was a woman.
3:04 She escaped and we decided to track him down.
3:32 The car came to a stop. Stopping in the middle of the road is a characteristic of suspicious vehicles.
4:13 The act of pointing that takes place in front of the camera.
4:21 Mr. and Mrs. S pointing in front of the camera.
4:35 Three suspicious women and two related vehicles approaching my bill in the store.
5:07 Aircraft’s flying noise.

Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.
The acts of stalking by mass stalkers that appear here are just a few of them. It is extremely difficult to capture all the facts of their crimes.
