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目前で撮影する人たち 2024_0406

March 13th
* この車に乗っていた女二人は、何も買わずに私が精算したレジの前を通って店を出た。支出額のチェックである。
* 伊豆500ち3590黒のスペイド
March 14th
March 22nd
April 6th
* 静岡301つ7993黒のプリウス

ニュース 映像写真

People who shoot in front of you EDR April 6th 2024 

March 13th
* The two women in this car left the store without buying anything and passed in front of the cash register I had settled. It is a check of my expenditure amount.
March 14th
A man and a woman in front of the convenience store started shooting deliberately. It is an act that victims of Gang Stalkers often encounter. They were initially on the right side of the store, but they moved in front of me.
March 22nd
A woman at an intersection near my home.
April 6th
A strange car stopped near my home.

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徘徊して時間を浪費するギャングストーカー 2024_0402

April 1st
0955 自宅近くの交差点で待ち伏せしていた車。
1436 知らない男が家の前で止まった。
April 2nd
1106 先日待ち伏せしていた女と男児。
1106-1108 二人は家の前で止まった。
1624 微笑む女が通過した。
伊豆 3330 黒のシエンタが何度も通過する。
1303 不審な車が道路上で停車していた。ストーカーはおかしな位置で車を止めストーカー行為を暗示する。


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Gang Stalkers Who Wander Around and Waste Times EDR April 2nd 2024

April 1st
0955 A car that was ambushed at an intersection near my home.
1436 A stranger stopped in front of my house.
April 2nd
1106 The woman and boy who were ambushed the other day.
1106-1108 They stopped in front of my house.
1624 The smiling woman passed.
A black car went back and forth over and over.
1303 A suspicious car was stopped on the road. The stalker stops the car in a strange position and implies stalking.

It is said that group stalkers are developed
by a major telecommunications company and also train people.
It has spread not only in Japan but also all over the world,
and has also been covered
by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights.

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車両によるギャングストーキング 2024_0331



* 伊豆583ち78




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Gang stalking by vehicle EDR March 31st 2024

A man pointing to something in front of Jogasaki Station. A woman was hiding.

The car running in front turned right according to my movement.

That’s why it doesn’t give a blinker.

When I put out the right blinker early, the car in front of me imitated me and turned right.

Unknown adult and child ambushed at an intersection near my home.

These two passed in front of my house at 17:18.

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何かを指してストーキングを暗示する親子 2024_0328

March 27th
* 通行妨害。
* 伊豆314て 7 黒のプリウス
March 28th
* 家の前で何かを指す親子。
* 少女の服装は近所の中学校の体操着である。徒歩圏内に住む家族に違いない。
* 子供をストーキングに加担させることは児童福祉法違反(有害支配)の可能性がある。
* 金髪の男女は何かを指して一人は他人の敷地に入った。

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Mother and child who point to something and imply stalking EDR March 28th 2024

March 27th
* Traffic obstruction
March 28th
* A parent and child pointing to something in front of my house.
* The girl’s clothes are gym clothes from a junior high school in the neighborhood. It must be a family living within walking distance.
* Involving a child in stalking may be a violation of the Child Welfare Law (harmful control).
* A blonde man and woman pointed to something and one entered someone else’s property.
