
犬を連れて立っているM 20210212

0:03 ここに出てくる人たちはすべて知らない人たちです。
0:21 見知らぬ女がタイミングよく現れる。
0:25 人と車がタイミングよく現れる。
0:33 不審な白いトラックは建物を一周すると立ち去った。
1:15 白髪の男はバナナを買い、私の後をつけてきた。
1:27 伊豆300そ8577BMW330Ci
1:30 白い車は私の接近で止まった。
1:56 近所の交差点でM上が犬と一緒に立っていた。
2:07 知らない男がカメラ前で立ち止まる。
2:31 ナンバー4554の知らない車が通過。
20210212 犬を連れて立っているM


* EDR February #12 2021 M gami stood with his dog

0:03 All the people in this video are strangers to me.
0:21 An unfamiliar woman appeared at the right time.
0:25 People and cars appeared at the right time.
0:33 The suspicious white truck circled the building and left.
1:15 The gray-haired man bought a bunch of bananas and followed me.
1:30 The white car stopped at my approach.
1:56 M-gami was standing with his dog at an intersection in the neighborhood.
2:07 An unknown man stopped in front of camera.
2:31 An unknown car with license plate number 4554 passed by.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.


* EDR February #6 2021 Strangers Passed

All people who appeared on that video were strangers.
0:42 An unfamiliar woman passed in a minute.


* 20210205 待っている人たち

0:04 柴犬男No.3がいたが何をしているのかわからなかった。
0:15 ピンク色の車は私が近づくと動き出した。伊豆584き1221 NBOX
0:28 店を出ると知らない女が立っていた。
0:49 交差点付近で待ち伏せしている人がいることがある。
1:10 この男が今日店内でつきまとった。卵1パックのみ購入。沼津7393紺色のノアに乗車。
1:20 私が店を出ると女が出てきた。



* EDR February #5 2021 Waiting People

0:04 There was Shiba Inu Man No. 3, but I didn’t know what he was doing.
0:15 The pink car started moving as I approached.
0:28 When I came out, an unfamiliar woman stood nearby.
0:49 Sometimes there are people waiting for you near the intersection.
1:10 This man stalked me in the store and bought a pack of eggs.
1:20 As I left the store, a woman came out.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.

Group stalking (Group Bullying)is the harassment of a large number of people by following, monitoring, and stalking them, and it is said that a certain religious group is the main force behind this.
It has been publicized in books written by former members of the cult, as well as in the campaign speeches of political party representatives who claim to have heard about it from cult members.
On the Internet, we can see posts by the perpetrators saying that the victims are suffering from a certain mental illness, but it is unnatural for them to take the trouble to deny the existence of group stalking, saying that it is a delusion.
The victims are tormented by large-scale harassment, including small plays called “street theater” by residents and workers, scaffolding and helicopters to generate noise, and electromagnetic attacks.


* 20210204 夜勤明けの騒音

0:07 造園業者の協和園が向かいの家に到着。
3:14 私が帰宅した後も会話は続く。
6:58 男はアスファルトを掃くのに熊手を使った。音を出すため。
9:24 ブロワーの音。
12:04 協和園が撤退。


* EDR February #4 2021 Noise At The End Of The Night Shift

0:07 8:08 a.m. Kyowaen, a landscaping company, arrives at the house across the street.
3:14 After I went back to home, they kept talking.
6:58 The man used a rake to sweep the asphalt to make noise.
9:24 Blower’s noise
12:04 They left there.


* 20210202 近くを通過する航空機

