ニュース 映像写真

集団ストーカーの一日 2024_0301_0303

March 1st 2024
* 伊東警察の車輌が通過。
* 複数回通過する男が現れた。
* 複数回通過する男がまた現れた
March 2nd 2024
* 見知らぬ男女が家の前で止まった。
* 伊東警察の車輌が通過。
* 1500-1502見慣れないトラックが2分で往復した。
* この「複数回通過する男」は県道からわざわざこの別荘地内に入って2回以上現れる。
* 中国語を話す家族が家の前で止まった。
March 3rd 2024
0010 伊東警察の車輌が通過。
0010-0246 伊東警察の車輌が通過。
0010-0246-0344 伊東警察の車輌が通過。
1441-1503 この「複数回通過する男」は県道からわざわざこの別荘地内に入って2回以上現れる。
0957 私が来る前からここで待機していた車。
* この女はアイスクリームを買い、その間出来上がるのを待って私の支払額を調べた。
* 伊豆500た4813

国連人権高等弁務官事務所 でも取り上げている。

ニュース 映像写真

A day of organized stalkers EDR March 1st – 3rd 2024

A day of organized stalkers EDR March 1st 2024
* The Ito police vehicle passed.
* The man who passed by multiple times appeared.
* The man who passed by multiple times appeared again.
A day of organized stalkers EDR March 2nd 2024
* A strange man and woman stopped in front of the house.
* The Ito police vehicle passed.
1500-1502 An unfamiliar truck went back and forth in 2 minutes.
* This “man who passes multiple times” appears more than twice in this villa area from the prefectural road.
* The Chinese-speaking family stopped in front of my house.
A day of organized stalkers EDR March 3rd 2024
0010 The Ito police vehicle passed.
0010-0246 The Ito police vehicle passed.
0010-0246-0344 The Ito police vehicle passed.
1441-1503 This “man who passes multiple times” appears more than twice in this villa area from the prefectural road.
The car that was waiting here before I came.
This woman bought ice cream and waited for it to be ready in the meantime and looked up my payment.

Group stalking has allegedly been developed
and educated by major telecommunications company.
It has spread not only in Japan but also throughout the world,
and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
has also taken up the issue.

ニュース 映像写真

わざわざ目の前に現れるストーカーたち 2024_0226

* 目的地に近づくと女が待ち伏せ。
* 犬が道路にいて女が茂みで隠れていた。
* 女はこちらの様子を見ていたが、しばらくすると立ち去った。
* コンビニの駐車場では目の前で歩き回る女と座り込む男が現れた。

ニュース 映像写真

Stalkers who appear in front of you all the way EDR Feb.26th 2024 

* When I approached the destination, a woman was ambushed.
* The dog was on the road and the woman was hiding in the bush.
* The woman was watching us, but after a while she left.
* In the parking lot of the convenience store, a woman walking around in front of me and a man sitting down appeared.
At 6:43 p.m., 2 to 3 planes flying from the direction of Izu Oshima flew in the direction they came after passing over my house.

ニュース 映像写真

付きまといの暗示 2024_0208_0212

Feb 9th
0644 I*****shiが通過。
0644-1716 I*****shiが再び現わる。
0644-1716-1725 I*****shiが三たび現わる。
Feb 11th
0402 警察車両が通過。
0402-0459 警察車両が通過。
1446-1509 複数回通過する男が2回通過した。
0402-0459-1538 警察車両が3度目の通過。
Feb 12th
1432-1454 複数回通過する男が2回通過した。
1749 警察車両が通過。
* 男女は練馬ナンバーの車内では待たずに、なぜかコインランドリー店内でずっと立っていた。私に付きまといを行う人達がよくやる行動の一つ。

ニュース 映像写真

The Implications of Stalking EDR Feb.8th through 12th 2024

Feb 9th
0644 I*****shi passed.
0644-1716 I*****shi appeared again.
0644-1716-1725 I*****shi appeared for the third time.
Feb 11th
0402 A police car passed.
0402-0459 A police car passed.
1446-1509 The man who passed multiply appeared twice.
0402-0459-1538 A police car passed for the third time.
Feb 12th
1245 A strange man and woman stopped in front of the house.
1432-1454 The man who passed multiply appeared twice.
1749 A police car passed.
* A man and woman did not wait in the car with the Nerima number, and for some reason they stood in the laundromat all the time. One of the actions that people who follow me often do.

ニュース 映像写真

People who pass multiple times EDR Feb. 10th 2024

1352 A man with a black hat passes by.
1352-1355 He passes by again.
1352-1355-1359 He passes by three times.
1352-1355-1359-1501 He passes by for the fourth time.
1648 When I took a picture from inside the house, the woman in the nurse’s carriage started to move.
0524-1654 Ito police vehicle passed.
1730 O**chi, who lives next door, passes through.
1730-1747 O**chi, who lives next door, passes through.
1730-1747-1811 O**chi, who lives next door, passes through.
1730-1747-1811-1811 O**chi, who lives next door, passes through.

ニュース 映像写真

複数回通過するひとたち 2024_0210

1352 黒い帽子の男が通過。
1352-1355 男が再通過。
1352-1355-1359 男が3度目の通過。
1352-1355-1359-1501 男が4度目の通過。
1648 私が家の中から撮影をすると乳母車の女は動き出した。
0524-1654 伊東警察の車輌が通過。
1730 2件隣に住むO**chiが通過。
1730-1747 2件隣に住むO**chiが通過。
1730-1747-1811 2件隣に住むO**chiが通過。
1730-1747-1811-1811 2件隣に住むO**chiが通過。
