ニュース 映像写真

* EDR November #19 2020 Noise Campaign

0:05 As I pass, the workers stoped working and looked at me.The construction site here has been 82 days since construction began on August 29.
0:20 I didn’t know what the man was doing alone.
0:36 As I pass, the workers stoped working and looked at me.The construction site here has been 82 days since construction began on August 29.
0:49 Standing around with a dog is also a common behavior of theirs.
0:56 This woman appeared out of nowhere during my checkout and lined up behind me.
1:07 One of the three strangers turned on the flash.13:09 The noise by neighbor O began.
1:52 The noise by neighbor O began.
2:38 The noise by neighbor O continued intermittently until 14:33.
8:51 17:17 An airplane flew nearby.
EDR November #19 2020  Noise Campaign

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