ニュース 映像写真

* EDR May #11 2020 Crazy O’s Noise

0:02 The dog man came closer to my place but, as soon as I got out of my house, he made a u-turn. I wish he didn’t come nearby.
0:22 Marui Energy’s car appeared.
0:29 Shibainu Man Y passed.
0:34 Marui Energy’s car appeared again.
0:40 Marui Energy’s car appeared for reading meter.
0:50 My neighbor O’s noise started. Anyway he made a ladder’s noise. First of all, it is strange to make the ladder stand near my place, not to make it lay down.
7:30 The woman who didn’t say hello passed.
Night and day, I suffer from tinnitus and numbness by the dubious noise.
EDR May #11 2020 Crazy O's Noise

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